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Bienvenido a Cal-Wood

  El entorno remoto e impresionante de Cal-Wood combinado con un alojamiento acogedor y una comida deliciosa crean una atmósfera perfecta para un retiro organizacional para 20 a más de 100 invitados. Los grupos descubren que logran más en su tiempo en Cal-Wood debido a la falta de distracciones y la abundancia de inspiración natural. Los grupos crean su propio programa dinámico basado en componentes como comidas, alojamiento, facilitación, etc. Las comodidades adicionales incluyen nuestro personal experimentado que supervisa varias actividades que pueden incluir: ciclismo de montaña, tiro con arco, pesca y caminatas guiadas. Tendrá acceso a más de 1200 acres de senderos, picos, cascadas, vida silvestre, costa y hermosas vistas en todas las direcciones.

Nuestras instalaciones incluyen:

  • Alojamiento en nuestras cabañas rústicas.

  • 1-2 espacios grandes dedicados para reuniones

  • Anfiteatro para fogatas y reuniones

  • Hermoso comedor para comidas con capacidad para 72 personas.

  • Un acogedor espacio interior con sofás y chimenea.

  • Una zona de terraza/patio trasero

  • 1.200 acres de tierra con senderos que conducen a increíbles vistas a las montañas.

Otra información:

Contamos con 8 cabañas rústicas de madera con 5 literas cada una, con capacidad para 10 personas en total. También contamos con el nuevo Meckley Center, que tiene capacidad para 36 personas en total, con 2 habitaciones de 8 literas y una habitación intermedia con 4 camas. Una vez que haya confirmado las fechas, necesitaremos un contrato firmado y un depósito para asegurar oficialmente las fechas. Reservamos por orden de llegada, con un mínimo de 20 huéspedes y un máximo de 120. Se le solicitará que proporcione una garantía de número mínimo.


Complete un formulario de solicitud de programa o envíe un correo electrónico a para solicitar información sobre precios.



Based upon the Minimum Guaranteed number of participants the Contracted Organization is responsible should attendance be less than the contracted number, regardless of the number of actual attendees.  Prior to your arrival, we will ask for a confirmed number of guests. Should your event have fewer participants in attendance, your final invoice will reflect either the confirmed number or the guaranteed minimum stated in this contract, whichever is greater. 


In case inclement weather prevents the contracted program from being executed as scheduled, the following remedies will be applied:

  1. New dates within the same calendar year for an identical program will be sought by both parties, and the contract will be amended to reflect the updated dates for a program at Cal-Wood.

  2. If no dates for rescheduling the program are mutually agreed to, the contracted organization will have a choice between the following options:

    1. Maintain a credit for all monies paid and apply them toward a future event at Cal-Wood during the next calendar year.

    2. Receive a refund for all monies paid, less retreat deposit.

3. If neither remedy is executed, the deposit will be forfeited.

4.    Cal-Wood is not responsible for any collateral costs incurred by Contracting Organization due to cancellation for inclement weather.


All events will be invoiced upon completion of the stay at Cal-Wood and are immediately due and payable, unless other arrangements or terms are agreed upon in advance. Payments can be made by check or credit card. Late payments (in excess of 30 days) will be assessed a late fee of 1.5% finance charge per month.


Youth organizations that provide their own facilitators and/or instructors must provide a written certificate of insurance for these instructors prior to their arrival. 


CAL-WOOD is not contracting with the individual members of the contracting organization and therefore requires that the contracting organization notify its members of the following:

“Each individual is voluntarily participating at an activity at CAL-WOOD Education Center, and accepts that there are inherent risks associated with outdoor activities in remote areas at high elevations.  These hazards may include, but are not limited to, activities related to traditional outdoor pursuits such as hiking, organized recreation, team building and outdoor skills. Each individual or his/her guardian assumes the risks of these or similar hazards, and should be covered by either individual medical insurance or by group accident insurance purchased through the sponsoring organization.”


As a public facility, CAL-WOOD is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please notify us as soon as possible if any members require assistance during their stay. Our buildings are handicap-accessible.

Alcohol Consumption

All participants must be of legal age (21+) to consume alcohol. Alcohol may not be consumed around other Cal-Wood clientele. The lodge is available to host events where alcohol may be present. Alcoholic beverage containers must not be thrown away in any garbage receptacles. These containers must go directly into the recycling area behind the kitchen. The campfire area may host events where alcohol is present. There are to be no glass containers at the campfire area. Finally, all guests that choose to consume alcohol must behave in a controlled, respectful manner while at Cal-Wood.

Open Flame

Cal-Wood strictly enforces open flame occurring in designated areas; fireplaces and firepits. Candles are not to be lit by guests indoors. If Cal-Wood is not under a fire restriction, guests may enjoy a campfire at Cal-Wood. The fire should never be higher than 3 feet and must be controlled and contained within the designated area. The guest is responsible for completely extinguishing the fire with water. We recommend 10 buckets of water per fire. To assure the fire is out and there is no smolder or cinder, stir the ash slurry and feel for rising heat. If no heat and no smoke, the fire has been successfully extinguished.



CAL-WOOD shall indemnify and hold the contracting organization harmless from and against any loss, damage, liability, injury or death to persons or property related to this agreement, but only if caused solely by the negligent acts or omissions or intentional wrongdoing of CAL-WOOD or its agents or employees. The contracting organization shall indemnify and hold CAL-WOOD harmless from and against any loss, damage, liability, injury or death to persons or property related to this agreement, but only to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions or intentional wrongdoing of the contracting organization or the client’s agents or employees. The above indemnifications shall not extend to acts of God, or risks associated with outdoor activities at high elevations. Notice must be given by the party seeking indemnification within 30 days prior to the settlement of a covered claim. Notwithstanding anything in the above to the contrary, CAL-WOOD does not waive or limit any protection afforded under Colorado law for charitable immunity.


Cabin occupancy is 10 people and full occupancy is expected. Cabin rental rates are $150/night if additional cabins are needed or desired. Cabin check-in time is after 12noon. Check-out time is by 1pm (please remove all belongings to the porch after 10am). Please let us know if early or late check-in/out is needed. 


If items are lost at Cal-Wood during your stay, our staff will put them on the Lost & Found Table near the entrance to the Dining Hall. Please check it and take any items with you upon departure. Any items found post-visit will be placed into our Lost & Found for one month after your departure date. It is the responsibility of the owner to make arrangements to pick up the recovered item from Cal-Wood or pay for the postage to mail the item. . Cal-Wood is not responsible for any lost or forgotten items, however, reasonable effort will be made to return any recovered item to the rightful owner.    


We must have a Certificate of Insurance on file prior to your arrival.  "Cal-Wood Education Center and Pilot Trust, 2282 CR 87 (PO Box 347), Jamestown CO 80455" should be named as the certificate holder.  Please contact your insurance company for this certificate.

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